Kambo Ceremony Detox- Cleanse Plant Medicine

The Kambo ceremony requires the use of the frog, and there is no animal-free alternative. A number of shamans insist on doing their own frog collecting and milking, and will only use the first secretions taken from the frog, ensuring it has more than enough left to protect itself once returned to the trees. You may feel that you have sharper senses, stronger physical strength, and heightened alertness in the days following the ceremony. A bamboo stick rubbed over the legs of the frog collects the sticky secretions, which dry into a resin.

kambo healing

He brings you truth, light, and loving awareness of the root cause of deeper psychological patterns, addictions, and even physical illness, and disease. He brings light into the darkness, into the shadow, making conscious the unconscious, illuminating, and brightening the heart and spirit. It is a strong shamanic purgative for those ready to shed and release once and for all that does not serve. It is for the souls ready to release the limiting beliefs, the outdated stories, the trauma, the pain, and suffering. For those ready to step into the alchemical fire of their personal transformation. For those ready to illuminate truth; to dive into their light and shadow work; and are ready to embody their true radiant self.

Treatment FAQ

Once your heart rate returns to normal, you may need to rest for some time. At the ceremony, that resin is split and mixed with either a little saliva or water before being applied to the skin.


For this reason, it could cause vomiting, sweating, and a rapid heart rate. There have also been reported cases of death following a cleanse. Even applying it topically can cause death, as the skin absorbs the toxins. After a few more minutes, you’ll often feel some nausea, or your stomach may start to hurt. At that point, some people throw up, some use the toilet, some do neither or both.

That’s because Kambo practitioners generally tell people to drink a lot of water  before a cleanse. Read more about Kambo training in the Amazon here. “It’s rare, but not impossible, to go overboard,” Dr. Kuhn said. The number of burns and where they put them depends on what’s going on with the person. “If it’s their first time, I make one test point to gauge how sensitive they are,” Wendy explains. The shoulder or back of the arm is one of the most common areas. “My organization, the International Association of Kambo Practitioners, teaches auricular (ear) kambo,” Wendy explains.

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