Please stay away from chemical laden “healing” products such as Neosporin. We also offer virtual Kambo preparation and integration sessions to those that have or will experience medicine elsewhere and are looking for additional support and guidance. With no expectations and a sense of curiosity in the air, we set up the ceremonial space, making sure there was some water at hand, just in case.
However, everybody’s body is different, and not everyone can hold two liters of water in such a short amount of time. Some people, for instance, can only get a liter and a half down, he says, and that’s okay. “I do not allow my clients to drink additional water till after they have purged,” he explains—in order to avoid hyponatremia, the condition that killed Begley. The water works as a pump to funnel out the toxins that are being pushed into the stomach from the gallbladder, liver, kidneys and pancreas.
Kambo is a secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolor tree frog, also known as the giant leaf frog. The kambo secretion is collected by causing the frog stress and then scraping the milky substance from its back. Common natural remedies don’t seem to work deep enough, and western medicine’s often-aggressive bandaid solutions fail to heal at the root cause. This handful of questions could be vital in saving lives, and ensuring harm reduction in the ceremony space. We can’t say for sure that Begley asked the church all, or any of the above questions, but in his memory, we can practice better safety standards. Also, please expect to have all money exchanges complete before your ceremony (Paypal, Venmo, Bitcoin (or possibly other cryptos)).
©2023 Kambô Care
Read more about Yopo here. Like many Jungle ‘medicines’ and experiences, Kambo is extremely ‘intelligent’ and responds well to those who care for themselves. If you are cleared to work with Kambo Care, Kambo preparation, Kambo diet and Kambo after-care is mandatory to get the most out of the experience.
Ultimately, we don’t know enough yet about kambo to fully understand its risks. It is possible that it poses a risk of heart attack even in seemingly healthy people. Therefore a decision to take kambo should not be taken lightly – and every effort should be taken to choose a trustworthy and experienced facilitator. You should not use any purging medicines (kambo or ayahuasca) without carefully considering how your eating disorder will affect your ceremony and how the ceremony may affect your eating disorder. For this reason, you may need the assistance of a psychedelic therapist to help you prepare for your ceremony and process it afterward. If your practitioner knows you suffer from bulimia, they can adjust your kambo session to meet your needs. They may urge you to focus on the urge to purge without actually reaching the point of extensive purging.